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Image by Aleksander Saks

BLC is on to something with this coalition-building initiative. Just imagine what it will be like in the next three or four years.


If you are personally or collectively looking for an organization to partner with to strengthen your advocacy, BLC is that organization.

BLC's "Prioritized Community Agenda" & Pickleball Initiative 2024

1. Education- Mandate the actual teaching of Pan African American History. The Pan African American descendants of the kidnapped black Africans' reality and contribution to the formation of this country have been negatively distorted and projected through a lens of racism and genocide denial.

2. Criminal Justice reform- the repeal of civil rights law 50a. This law avoids early detection of the need for mental health support for police officers and other civil servants. This law has been repealed without the mental health evaluation component unique to BLC's advocacy. 

3. An "Elected Civilian Complaint Review Board". Join the campaign to advocate for the accountability of law enforcement. This bill was introduced by Council Member Inez Barron and titled "The Powers Act.

Visit on the web: or email BLC. 

4. Human Trafficking- We are advocating for legislation that will make human trafficking a class 1 felony and kidnapping for the benefit of harvesting body parts punishable by life in prison. We further demand that the President-elect create a cabinet position to end it.

5. The 2020 birth of the "BLC Friends of Parks Clean-Up Caravan". A ten-member (ENY and Central Brooklyn) park volunteer group aka "THE CARAVAN". If you want assistance, building capacity, or facilitating your local park event or park clean-up please contact us.   

If you or your organization want to sign on in support of our CAP agenda or join our coalition to increase support for your initiatives contact us today! 

Contact Info:   Phone: 917-754-2426       PICKLEBALL:

Cliff cc licenses

The transition of 

Mary Katherine Riggins​

We would like to acknowledge and inform the members and community of the transition of Katherine Riggins co-founder of Brite Leadership Coalition. (in partnership with her son and grandson Vincent Riggins and Vincent Riggins ll}. Because of her daring courageous loving spirit for God, family and  community she has planted seeds in this realm that will continue to grow and promote integrity, unity, civic activism and social engagement. On December 29, 2020 at the age of 93 she gave up the body to be in the presence of the Lord. 

The family would like to offer this thank you to the members, supporters, coalition partners and all the folks for their presence, prayers, gifts, condolences, emotional and joyful reflections in celebration of  Mom's life.

Continued Blessing for you and your family

00:00 / 03:55

Pickleball Association
@ Linden + BSC + Van Dyke + PJAC


2019 African American History to be included in the mainstream curriculum.

bill S1135 have acceptable language. This bill did not get passed out of both houses. 

Vincent Riggins BLC Pres.

Scott Stringer NYC Comptroller

Karen Caldwell

TA Pres Pink Houses 

Held right in the heart of ENY 2015


Families of Starrett

9/2017 - 2/2018


Community health walk -

live entertainment!

Sen. Roxanne Persaude 19 Dist

Assemblymember Latrice Walker 55th AD

BLC Friends of Parks Volunteer Clean-up Caravan 2021-2023

A ten-member friend of parks group in response to the budget cuts to the NYC Dept of Parks and 1700 personal layoffs.

If you or your neighbors are interested in adopting a park near where you live, we will help you

 get started and support your initial event or clean-up.

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